New Themes

While I am still reading reflections and grading final artworks from the Studio Choice Challenge, it is time to move on to something else. I need to go back to tweak how the points work and how often to have kids check in. Too many kids just started things and abandoned them so quickly. I want to work on how to help kids to practice and increase their abilities to problem solve and persevere. But I probably also need to figure out how to let go and let be some levels of experimentation that does get abandoned and be okay with it.

So this week we began some new themed challenges.

27753844The 6th graders are doing the “Believe, Dream, Inspire” assignment. All my other classes in both semesters already completed this challenge; these are the last 2 classes to complete this theme. It was this year’s PTA reflection theme and I really like it. It has so much potential and room for choice options for interpreting the theme. Yesterday we did some group brainstorming and list making. Since the goal of this assignment is to communicate an idea visually, I want the kids to first have a story in mind that they are drawing.

Today we were in the computer lab with the task of writing a theme statement. I asked them to write a short paragraph about what their story would be and then describe how they would draw that story. Finally, I asked them to make a list of reference pictures that would help them with their art. They will get 2 days in the computer lab to finish this and also locate some good reference pictures. These beginner groups will get to choose from different drawing and painting mediums to complete their theme challenge.

My advanced 8th grade and 7th grade classes are doing the theme of TIME. Our day one brainstorm included looking at different time quotes, phrases and puns. Today they picked one of these phrases or quotes to guide their project and wrote some paragraphs and lists to guide their image searching. These groups will get to choose from drawing, painting, sculpture, collage and computers.


My other 2 classes are doing the “Home is where the Heart is” theme. For their brainstorm we talked about what is the difference between a house and a home. We discussed all the different types of buildings that could be a home and the attributes that might be included to show the viewer it was a home. These groups will get to choose drawing, painting, collage, computers and sculpture to make their project.