Tag Archives: Demos

Daily Demos

In the TAB classroom there is always a daily demo… these short bursts of information are to help students understand materials, techniques and the art world. This year I am taking a new approach to my demos. I have never been good about exposing my students to artists. 🙁 I also wanted to make sure I was considering different artist perspectives and experiences (race, gender, place and time) So I made a personal goal to expose them more often and with more variety. We are also rolling out PBIS so building community and relationships is a big focus. With these goals in mind and because I like organization to help me stay on track… each day has a theme! I will usually use videos… because they allow me to take attendance, do any last minute prep, have a quick private conversation with a student… and the kids  just pay attention better and I know all 6 classes get the same info.

  • Museum Monday: will be artists, art styles and periods.
  • Technique Tuesday: will be techniques related to the current around the room game, boot camp or studio needs.
  • Weird Wednesday and Funky Friday: both the same idea… showing those out there things that artists are doing.
  • Thoughtful Thursday: will be related to mindfulness or community building, also an opportunity for critiques.

Here is what we have done so far this year!

NOTE: none of these videos are made by me, although I have made videos in the past. I have other things I need to spend my time on these days, so why reinvent the wheel? I have more fun finding interesting videos and screening them than making my own.

Museum Monday:

Technique Tuesday:

Weird Wednesday: 

Fun Friday: 

Demo Inspired

Most of my 7th graders are working “full choice” this week… while a few others catch up on our THEMED modified choice projects. This week the demos have been oil pastel focused, since a lot of kids want to work … read more

Just In Time Demos

I love finding short and sweet videos to show for demos. This is the one I showed today as part of day 2 of the “collage around the room” activity. I pointed out the artist’s method of cutting out everything … read more

The Demonstration-Lecture

Preparing for the new 2014-2015 school year, I am reading “Studio Thinking 2” (from what I understand the second edition is not too different from the first one, but it was cheaper!) Chapter Three describes the demo as “a brief, … read more