
I am fortunate to have been chosen to attend, present, plan and lead at many local, state and national conferences. I will use this page to collect all my past presentations for teachers to reference and use. You should find a link to more details for each event. 


Presenting Local: 

  • Everett School District Learning Improvement Days 
    • 2017 Vocabulary Strategies for the Art room
    • 2015 SketchUP Galleries
    • 2009 Blogging in the Classroom
    • 2008 Podcasting in the Classroom

Presenting  State: 

Presenting  Regional: 

Presenting National:

NAEA Conference Proposal Screening Committee 

  • 2019 Boston: Choice Art Education Special Interest Group Proposal Evaluator
  • 2018 Seattle: Choice Art Education Special Interest Group Proposal Evaluator
  • 2017 NYC: Choice Art Education Special Interest Group Proposal Evaluator
  • 2016 Chicago: Choice Art Education Special Interest Group Proposal Evaluator
  • 2012 Technology in Education Special Interest Group Proposal Evaluator

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