Tag Archives: skill-builders
Studio Choice Challenge
The Studio Choice Challenge with Resources read more
Toy Production Unit
My middle school Students have recently explored a variety of sculpture and clay techniques and materials, so now it is time to put those skills to the test. Based on a project from Apex Art that I pinned years ago … read more
Computer Explorations
This week the students spent 5 class periods exploring different computer programs. From the years that I taught a whole trimester of digital art, I have a lot of tutorials for a variety of digital projects. These are all stored … read more
Artistic Habits: Developing Craft ~UPDATED~
Today I did my first Artistic Habits Lesson on “Developing Craft” or art making skills. First off, why I am calling them Artistic Habits, instead of Artistic Behaviors which is what the TAB acronym is based on? Well, School-wide we are doing the … read more