Author Archives: Cynthia Gaub

Art is Among Us

Wow… first of all, what a year 2020 was! and 2021 isn’t shaping up to be much easier. Online/remote art is quite a challenge. Luckily I get all new kids and get a second try at all my online units! Since the kids are ALL about… Among Us… I am all for using a little pop culture to motivate middle schoolers. So all my intro activities have been redesigned to be Among Us TASKS. The original slide show was designed by Jason Harthan (his original and my version are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Original based on a work at

Since my classes, grades 6-8, meet 2x a week for 75 minutes… I will give them 2 weeks to complete these tasks. They include learning to upload a photo of art to canvas, learning about the artistic habits, discussing what makes something art, getting comfortable/reviewing the necessary tech and platforms we will use for the semester. We will see how it goes! cross your fingers for smooth sailing!

I have shared my version of this in my google drive and would be happy to share a copy with you. Just fill out this form. If you use this with your students would love to get feedback on how it went!

Gremlins ate my website

I have had the worst year in computers… my back up portable hard drive with over 15 years of content… died. then this website exploded and my phone died all within a few weeks of each other. Hopefully my site … read more