Teacher Work Day

Saturday was the Art of Education online conference. It was great and I enjoyed being a part of the presentation. Other people were inspired by my video and even included me in their visual journaling. (See above image by @pamelaskehan share from AOE  http://www.theartofed.com/2016/01/31/aoe-winter-2016-online-conference-recap)

Sunday was a TAB Twitter chat on drawing mediums.

Then Today was a teacher work day… we get 2 or 3 per year. I feel like I could use one per month. This one is in between first and second semester and intended to focus on report card grades.

Today I:

  • I thought about what new things I could bring into my classes from the conference and the TAB chat.
  • Scrubbed all my tables with cleaners that we are not allowed to use when students are around.
  • Cleared out the student project cupboards and tossed work left behind by last semester students.
  • Restocked the sculpture center
  • Started a sample for my new plan for draw around the room
  • Scored all the 6th grade end of semester sketchup gallery projects.
  • Inputted grades and comments for 4 out of my 6 classes
  • Updated and printed syllabi for my classes.
  • Updated and printed my supply scavenger hunt
  • Printed and put new signs up
  • Connected with the teachers I swap elective kids with to share some student health, IEP and behavior information.
  • Enjoyed a collegial lunch with staff members.
  • Tidied up all my centers to prep for the scavenger hunt activity.
  • Then after wrapping up at school… I went to the district offices to help judge the state-wide PTA art contest.

I share this list, not to complain about all that we have to do, nor to boast about what I managed to do… but because I left tired and discouraged, focusing on the things I didn’t finish. When really I did accomplish a lot and my classroom looked pretty good by the end of the day.

Of course, I still need to:

  • Score 2 periods of 8th grade classroom based performance assessments from last semester.
  • Update the grades and do comments for those same classes
  • Mat artwork for YAM and scholastic deliveries this week
  • Print permission forms for some upcoming contests
  • And of course all the other daily teaching, prepping and grading that happens every day.

Plus I got to wear sweats!