I am hoping to make my classroom run more smoothly by pre-assigning jobs that are normally something I assign on the spot as needed. Students will “apply” (Still working out how I will do that) and then keep the job for a period of time before they are replaced. I am thinking 3-5 weeks or each time we start a new themed unit. But again that might change.
Here are some of the forms I made up… feel free to use!
Table jobs will be quick daily things that kids do. Because I have a lot of absent kids, there is always a back-up jobber to take care of whatever isn’t being done by someone who is absent.
Click to download my table jobs
I will have this sheet laminated and taped on the outside of their table folders (which is where they store work in progress.) We will use overhead markers (Wet erase) to write down the person doing the job.
Class Jobs will be for those less often things that still need to be down occasionally. These are typically the type of thing that I just grab a kid for in the heat of the moment. If I have them pre-planned, then they will hopefully jump to the occasion when needed. One of the things we are trying to use in our school this year is PBIS “Meaningful Jobs” to give kids a sense of community and ownership. Also the idea of having those high needs kids (aka the annoying ones that are always doing something you wish they weren’t) to have a positive purpose and interactions.
Click to download my classjobs
The first 2 pages of this will be my copy on a clipboard with student names on it. The other duplicates are larger poster reminders that will be laminated and posted near the job area.
Center Managers are for all the TAB Choice Centers. I did this a few years ago and it was pretty successful. I have been drifting back to teacher centered and forgot about this. Now that I am moving back to student-directed, they need to be back in on this part of the responsibility. I do not have a center manager for every class period. Mainly it didn’t seem necessary back in the day, but I will be morphing this as the year goes.
Click to download my center management postersÂ
These will be laminated and posted at each center. Manager Names will be written in overhead markers. (wet erase)
What kind of classroom jobs do you use in your Middle School Classroom?
Do you reward those doing the jobs well or have consequences for those not doing their jobs?
Awesome post, thanks for sharing this post..